welkang... welkang... to my blog Cgu Mizan

ilmu yang sempurna lahir dari pendidikan yang ikhlas, jujur, keyakinan dan paling penting adalah menghargai pengorbanan ibubapa, guru dan diri sendiri.... muafakat, saling berganding bahu, kerjasama satu pasukan pasti dapat 'MELESTARIKAN PENDIDIKAN TERBILANG'...

aku seorang cikgu. sudah banyak rentetan pengalaman pahit dan manis yang telah aku lalui... sudah 25 tahun aku mengajar disalah sebuah sekolah menengah dan sekarang beralih angin mengajar di Kolej Vokasional di negeri terengganu, sudah beribu-ribu orang bekas anak didikku... ada yang dah bersuami/isteri, ada yang tak kahwin-kahwin lagi... acapkali juga aku berselisih @ berjumpa tanpa dirancang, alhamdulillah ramai juga yang menegur sapa, ajak gi kedai pekene teh tarik, ajak gi rumah... ini kebanyakkan bekas pelajar yang dulunye mase kat sekolah adalah pelajar bermasalah... kene rotan, pumping, denda(maklumlah dulu aku warden asrama, kini guru disiplin pulak).... tp diorang anggap itu satu pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan... sebenarnya ramai juga yang berselisih tapi tak nak tegur, apa lagi memalingkan muka pulak... tak pa itu hak diorang..... yang penting kerja buat aku ikhlas demi anak bangsa... aku tetap aku

kepada semua warga pendidik semoga usaha, kesungguhan dan bakti cikgu mendapat rahmat dan limpahan kurniaNya.GURU PENJANA TRANSFORMASI PENDIDIKAN NEGARA. semoga cikgu dan keluarga dalam naungan danlindunganNya. amin.. allahhu akhbar.

sambil duk rileks tu, bolehlah kita berkongsi idea, maklumat dan pandangan dalam semua kategori yg diketengahkan; PENDIDIKAN, ISU SEMASA, TAZKIRAH, SUKAN, JALANG-JALANG CARI MAKANG, CHERY EASTAR CLUB dan CATATAN KU...

Khamis, 15 Disember 2011

the malaysia book of records @ 9/12/2011-CEC 300 (mizanganu)

Published on December 14th, 2011
You own a car and indirectly you belong to a tribe, or a club is what they call it nowadays. And like within societies and organisation, unity is the core of it being into existence. And as of today, no other car club shows its strength in unity other than this club that managed to group its members of 147 strong to a convoy to Sungai Petani from Putrajaya that stretch the road up to five kilometers long. As big as the country that manufactures the car, Chery Eastar Club did it into the Malaysian Book of Records for that.

The group members came from all corners of the peninsular to Putrajaya to group up for the convoy. Some stayed the night before in Bukit Jalili, some arrive just in time on that morning and some even parked at the site the night before. That must be some show of dedication from these guys. All were hyped and ready to go after the speeches and briefings from the marshals and police.
Yes, they were that careful in planning the longest convoy that is going to make most of the other road users fuming mad on that saturday morning. And they did. The coppers had to block exits and entrances to make way for the convoy to be smooth and attached but nothing is perfect. Along the way, the convoy line did break every now and then, reattached again and again but the convoy did stay as one. Bravo to the escorts and marshals for that.
The convoy had a 45 minute break a Tapah Rest and Relax area whereby the head convoy gave everyone a final briefing before they head to their next destination which is Sungai Petani to end the convoy. After all had refuel and freshen up, all head out to complete their journey. By this time its already closed to 2pm.
This time, the convoy has pick up on speed and managed to reach its destination by 4.30pm which is rather commendable since it is a family wagon. Most of the cars has more than two person inside and as many as eight to maximum. It’s a family car, what do you expect. Some of the early makes had the luxury of the 2.5 litre engines whereas the newer ones had the capabled 2.0 litre engines. Some are all female drivers, some are goldies and some were the new family type drivers but nonetheless, all made it to Sungai Petani safely and on time.
The signing ceremony were held at the Dataran Zero (I think its because most of the time, the dataran were empty for no show of events whatsoever, but no zero when the Chery Eastars arrived though). The place were packing with all the Chery Eastar you can see. Almost looked like the manufacturing yard full of new Chery Eastars. The Malaysian Book of Records official were there to greet their arrival as well as the Barisan Nasional representative of Sungai Petani to head the ceremony. The Longest MPV Convoy of Single Make record were officially signed by 5pm.
All were extremely happy and proud of the achievement made that day. It was a true display of unity and brotherhood of a large scaled automotive club. I wonder will there be another club to break that record. Come on guys, records are meant to be broken so do what this club did and try to break their record.

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